Filigran type ceiling is an alternative for precast reinforced concrete ceilings and monolithic ceilings. They are used for private and multifamily housing but also public buildings.
They consist of prefabricated components: floor slabs, additional reinforcement installed at the construction site, and concrete topping poured at the construction site. Prefabricated filigran type ceilings are composed of 5-8 cm thick slabs, main reinforcement of the ceiling, and steel roof trusses partially paved in the slab. Steel trusses guarantee that prefabricated units are properly rigid during transportation and installation but they also join the component with the rest of the ceiling made at the building site. We produce single filigran type slabs in dimensions that are individually adjusted to the geometry of the ceiling. The amount of reinforcement and technical parameters of the floor slab are determined by a detailed design of the ceiling formulated for every object.